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Gustav Fischer Verlag, Germany

Botany, Paleobotany & Microbiology Titles

Floras & Vegetation

SUESSWASSERFLORA VON MITTELEUROPA [Freshwater flora of Central Europe]: series editors: H. Ettl, J. Gerloff, H. Heynig, D. Mollenhauer. One of the classics of European botany. the prices listed below may not be current! please ask first before ordering.  NEW LOWER PRICES ON REPRINTS, BUT THE PHOTOGRAPHS ARE NOT THE SAME QUALITY AS ORIGINALS!!! nearly all volumes are now SOFTCOVER reprints.  to order any of these book email Balogh

Die Kanarischen Inseln und ihre Pflanzenwelt. [The Canary Islands and their plant world.] Kunkel, Günther. 3. revised ed. 1993.  This book provides a good understanding of the plant world of the Canary Islands with detailed botanical accounts, along with the Islands geology, climate, and ecology. With this 3rd edition, there are new additional drawings and color illustrations. 239 pp., 177 figs., 13 maps, 32 color figures. 22,9 X 15,4 cm. paperback. ISBN 3-437-20491-2. $60.00

ecology.gif (16368 bytes)Ökologie in Zahlen. [Ecology by numbers]. Kalusche, Dietmar. 1996. discussed quantitative ecology, actual studies in tabular form with 10,000 individual values, covering plants, animals, soils, minerals, etc. 415 pp., numerous tables, 22,9 * 15,4 cm, paperback. ISBN 3-437-20521-8. $69.00

Monographic Works

Die wildwachsenden Orchideen der Rhön. Lebensweise, Verbreitung, Gefährdung. [The wild orchids of the Rhön. Life habits, distribution and protection]. Schutz. Kümpel, Horst. 1996. Many species occuring in this region of Germany are now listed on the Red List for Thüringens. Provides color photos and descriptions of species. contents: Orchideen, Pflanzen mit faszinierenden Strategien · Die thüringische Rhön - geomorphologische, geologische und klimatische Aspekte · Biotoptypen in der thüringischen Rhön · Schafhutungen im Wandel der Jahreszeiten · Das stille Verschwinden der Orchideenwiesen · Quellmoore - rhöntypische Refugien auch für Orchideen · Orchideen im Aberglauben und die Droge Tubera Salep · Die Orchideenarten in der Rhön · Die Orchideenhybriden in der Rhön · Gefährdung des Orchideenbestandes · Schutzmaßnahmen und Biotoppflege · Ausblick. 141 pp., 105 mostly color figures, 3 maps. 20 X 21 cm. paperback. ISBN 3-334-61142-6. $60.00

Applied Botany, Palaeobotany, & Ecology

Resistance of Crop Plants against Fungi. Hrsg. v. Hartleb, H; Heitefuss, R; Hoppe, H H. 1997. covers pathogenic fungi, forms of resistence, epidemiological aspects, methods and strategies for resistence. 544 pp., 67 photos and drawings., 24 X 17 cm, paperback. ISBN 3-437-35338-1. $160.00

Solar output and climate during the Holocene. Hrsg. v. Frenzel, Burkhard. Gustav Fischer Verlag 1995. Contents: Solar variability effects on climate - Solar activity signal in the mean winter temperatures - Greenland palaeotemperatures derived from the GRIP icecore - Solar and climatic components of the atmospheric 14C record - Finnish pine tree-ring data as a possible source for solar output research - Climatic signatures derived from D/H ratios in the cellulose of late wood in tree-rings from spruce (Picea abies L.) - Tree-ring evidence of surface temperature variation during the past 1000 years - Century-scale solar oscillation in terrestrial reservoirs . Medieval mud and the Maunder Minimum - Climatic features during the Spörer and Maunder Minima - Variation in total solar irradiance - The Maunder Minimum and the deepest phase of the Little Ice Age: a causal relationship or a cincidence? - Climate sensivity, Maunder Minimum and the Little Ice Age - Solar radiation and global climate change: some experiments with a two-dimensional climate model. 186 pp., 67 figs.., 7 Tab., 24 * 17 cm, ISBN 3-437-30815-7. $75.00

SÜDDEUTSCHE PFLANZENGESELLSCHAFTEN. [Southern Germany plant associations]. editors: Müller, Theo; Oberdorfer, Erich. Set ISBN 3-334-60417-9.

Wörterbuch der Botanik. Morphologie, Anatomie, Physiologie, Taxonomie, Evolution. Wagenitz, Gerhard. 2. ed. 2003. 5700 terms, including morphology, anatomy, cytology, taxonomy, reproductive biology, physiology, molecular biology, ecology. Also literature citations. IN GERMAN. 552 pp. 10 figs. paperback. ISBN 3827413982. $65.00